Dear Franklin Families,
Last chance! Let’s keep our kids reading and raise much-needed funds for our school by shopping the VIRTUAL FRANKLIN BOOK FAIR before it ends TOMORROW, Monday, November 29th! Please consider buying books for our wonderful Franklin teachers, there are many choices left!

Remember, you give back 25% in rewards on every purchase you make during the bookfair and get these awesome perks:
Direct shipping to your home
FREE shipping on book-only orders over $25
Over 5,000 new releases, bestsellers, value packs and more
Virtual author talks + book previews
If you have not already, please consider buying a book for a Franklin classroom!
Click here to see the Franklin teacher wish lists. Simply add your name next to the purchased book and send it to school with your child when your order arrives.
We’ve loved seeing the community gather together to support our school! Thank you for helping us spread the joy of reading to our kids! Please contact with any questions and THANK YOU,
Lisa Madding Franklin Book Fair Committee ldacey24@hotmail.com
