Hi Kindergarten families!
We know that it's been a different kind of year, and it's been much more challenging to try to meet other parents at school and build those connections and friendships. Maybe you've chatted with a few parents at drop off? Maybe you have older kids at Franklin and already know several families? Maybe you know a few parents from preschool, but want to know more? Maybe you're in the DLA and haven't met anyone yet? We are setting up our first ever Virtual Kindergarten Moms' Night Out on Friday, November 13th at 8PM and we would love it if you could join us! Just bring yourself and maybe a drink, and it will be a really informal get together where we can all get to know each other a little better! If we have a big turnout, we are thinking that it would be fun to try out some breakout rooms that will mix up DLA classes with hybrid classes (like Turgeon + Joseph in one room, and Seyferth + Boudreau + Scott in another) and then maybe we can mix it up again later in the night! Here is the zoom info! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87547099060?pwd=eFlENitFZXFad1c4cHVxOUduSVp6Zz09 Meeting ID: 875 4709 9060 Passcode: Mom Thanks so much, and hope to see you all next Friday! -Emilie Chang & Lisa Madding (moms from Mrs. Joseph's class!)