is this WEEKEND!!
Saturday, October 30th (Rain Date: October 31st)
from 2PM - 4PM
at Franklin Elementary's Field & Staff Parking Lot!
The Bash is just a few short days away!! The weather can always be a bit unpredictable, so we will be waiting until later this week to make a final decision on whether the bash will be on Saturday or Sunday. We will have a "Trunk or Treat" and Haunted Graveyard (that both close at 3PM so don't miss it!), face painting, fortune teller, inflatable obstacle courses, freshly made cotton candy, dance party, fun tattoos, snacks, spooky photo area, and more!
The entrance for the bash will be the driveway between the front of the school and the basketball court! The kids will receive a treat bag to use during the bash once you check in so there's no need for them to bring their own bag to use for the Trunk or Treat! If possible, please order tickets online in advance to make the lines go quickly.
We are still looking for more volunteers!! Specifically, we are looking for:
Decorate & Set Up Volunteers (10:00AM)
Ticket Sales (1:35PM - 3:00PM)
Haunted Graveyard Monitor (1:45PM - 3:00PM)
Halloween Tattoos (1:55PM - 3:00PM)
Halloween Tattoos (3:00PM - 4:00PM)
Inflatable Supervisor (1:55PM - 3:00PM)
Inflatable Supervisor (3:00PM - 4:00PM)
Clean up Crew (4:00PM)
We can’t do it without you! Please consider giving an hour or two of your time to make this a great event for the kids. Here is a link to volunteer:
Tickets can be purchased in advance for savings and to avoid long lines on the day of the event. Tickets are $6 per person / $23 Family Pass. Tickets can be purchased below:
Tickets can also be purchased on the day of the Bash at the field for $7 per person and $25 per family!
Thank you for supporting the Franklin Halloween Bash and the Franklin PTO. If you have any questions, please email FranklinHalloweenBash@gmail.com.
We hope to see you at the Bash!
The Halloween Bash Committee,
Amy Jarry, Emilie Chang, Jessica Allen, Kelley Torcasio, & Panasaya Buckley