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Franklin PTO Dues Impact Week: Why We Give

“We care about Franklin School and participating in the PTO dues drive is one way we can contribute to this community. We give every year knowing that the dues go towards programming that benefits the students and teachers.”

- Helen and Jay Makadia, Franklin Parents to Sofia (5th grade) and Julian (2nd Grade)

Franklin parents and guardians give back to our community in many ways, each in an effort to better the experiences of our students at school. Today, we are asking you to financially support the PTO with a dues donation. With a minimum suggested donation of $75 per student, you will receive a printed hard copy of the Franklin School Directory. If you and your family are in the position to help cover the PTO Dues of another Franklin family in need, we would greatly appreciate your support! Please give a comfortable amount for you; gifts of any size truly make a difference for our school and students.

Make your dues donation today!

In three days, we have raised $7,693 from 77 families! That is roughly equivalent to 10 CAS programs or 35 teacher mini grants! If you haven’t donated yet this week, there are still two days left to make it to our goal of $15,000!! Make your gift today!

Did You Know? All Franklin parents and guardians are automatically members of the PTO! This partnership between parents, teachers, and the school provides the perfect opportunity to enrich our Franklin Falcons’ educational experiences.

-The Franklin PTO

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