Hello Franklin families!
Picture Day is on Thursday, September 22, 2022! Coffee Pond Photography is taking the photos this year, and easy online ordering instructions are attached. The photographers would like all photo orders to be online this year if possible, but you can also fill out the physical order form sent home in student folders if you prefer. All photo orders must be placed BEFORE Picture Day.
To order photos, click HERE (then select West Newton, MA and Franklin Elementary School)
1) Fill out your child's information including full first name.
2) Select your packages and add them to the cart
3) If you have another child, click “Order for Another Child” and repeat the steps above.
4) Once you’ve added packages to your cart for all your children, you’re ready to check out! Follow the prompts to enter your contact and billing information. Once all your information has been entered and you’ve reviewed your order, just be sure to click “Submit Order”!
Photos will take place outside of the school building and all students will have their photo taken even if they do not purchase a photo package. Students will also be taking a group class photo this year!
If you have any questions, feel free to email Emilie at emilie.y.chang@gmail.com. Also, any concerns about payment can be directed to our school's social worker, Daniela MacKinnon at mackinnond@newton.k12.ma.us, or your classroom teacher. Thanks very much! -The Franklin PTO