Hello Franklin community!

We wanted to first thank members of the Franklin community SO MUCH for stepping up and for volunteering so quickly when asked if anyone would be interested in helping our Franklin staff secure COVID-19 vaccination appointments. The response was immediate and within just a few hours last Friday, we had a spreadsheet going with instructions/tips with 23 volunteers, and a Google form was sent to our Franklin staff for anyone interested in our help. By Saturday, every Franklin staff member who requested help was secured a vaccination appointment in a nearby CVS location, and they were all so grateful! The enthusiasm and dedication of the volunteers was amazing, and there were multiple conversations happening in the 4:00am - 5:30am timeframe on Saturday morning... it was incredible! If any more Franklin staff request help this week, we have a big team of volunteers ready to go. We also offered all of our document outlines to all PTOs across Newton last Friday to try to help them save thinking time if they wanted to assist teachers at their own schools with a similar initiative! GO FRANKLIN!

This Wednesday, we have the start of our Franklin Online Auction from March 10-17! We will send the link out when it begins, and get ready to bid on restaurant gift cards, homemade meals from Franklin the community, Principal for a Day, and other great items! This is typically one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, and even though we intentionally have a smaller auction this time around due to the pandemic, any contributions would really help fund important programs for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year.

Lucky Notes Days are next week on March 17th and 18th! We want to spread the love to our teachers for all of the hard work they have done this year. Let's let them know how lucky we are to have them! Here is a PDF called Lucky Notes with an area at the bottom that says "I am lucky to have you as a teacher because...".
Please print it out, cut out the rectangle at the bottom, and have your child fill it out. Print and fill out as many "lucky notes" as you'd like to! In place of a print out, your child can make a homemade note on a piece of paper, or even just write a thoughtful email! Your child interacts with so many teachers and they have all done an incredible job in this challenging year. For teachers that are not seen in-person, just take a picture of the note and email it to them on March 17th! Wednesday, March 17th - Cohort A can bring the notes into school and hand them to their teacher. DLA families can take a picture and email it to their teacher! Thursday, March 18th - Cohort B can bring them into school and hand them to their teacher! We know teachers would really appreciate receiving these handwritten notes, and the PTO will be doing some extra special small things for teachers that week as well!

SAVE THE DATE! On Thursday, March 25th, from 7:00pm - 7:30pm, join us at Franklin's first ever "Pajama Storytime" with special guest storytellers: Principal Bennett, Mrs. Stamp (first grade teacher), and Mrs. Airasian (our Franklin librarian!) Come dressed in your pajamas, bring your family, grab your favorite stuffed animal, and get ready for some amazing stories! This event is geared towards kindergarten, first, and second grade students, but everyone is welcome to attend! Here is the zoom info for Pajama Storytime on March 25th at 7:00pm! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82846426085?pwd=M1orMktYZWpYbmJreDV1UmYwTlpBdz09 Meeting ID: 828 4642 6085 Passcode: story It's an exciting month with some new ways for our community to connect with our teachers and with each other. Have a wonderful week! -The Franklin PTO