Thank you so much to all who attended the 9/14 information sessions with Principal Jocelyn. We hope that you were able to get a better understanding of the new school health and safety procedures, and we just have to work collectively as a community to try to follow them as diligently as possible to keep our students/staff/families safe.
Retraction of statement in K-2 Session:
The two sessions (K-2 and 3-5) were given the same presentation. However, Principal Jocelyn retracted his statement given earlier to the K-2 group about no masks during recess at the beginning of the second session (3-5). Initially, he thought that kids could be outside and distanced 6 ft apart at recess without masks, but he was notified by a teacher right after the first session that kids will all be required to wear masks during recess. Mask breaks outside will be monitored by teachers and kids will have proper social distancing. You can view his statement about this in the recording below at the beginning of the meeting (Go to the 13:26 mark in the zoom recording).
Newton Health and Human Services shared a health manual that Principal Jocelyn referred to a few times in this meeting. You can read the manual here:
Because of the change in information above, we are attaching a recording to the second meeting only (since Principal Jocelyn's comments in the presentations are more updated in the second meeting). Also, a list of all of the public questions from both sessions are in the PDF attached. These are not verbatim answers, but we tried to do our best to capture as much of the answers as possible. We also updated the masks during recess questions with the correct answers.
Zoom Recording of Franklin Information Session with Principal Jocelyn
NOTE: The recording started a bit too early when we were just waiting for others to join. PLEASE SCROLL TO THE START OF THE VIDEO AT 13:26!
Passcode: email us for the password
Thank you, and we are excited for orientation to start this week!
-The 2020-2021 PTO Board
